Required Drivers

On most systems (such as Windows 10 or newer, or MacOS X), the Fomu board does not need any special drivers.

  • On GNU/Linux, you do not need to install any drivers, however, you may need sudo access unless you Setup udev rules to grant permission for using the USB device from a non-privileged account.

  • Windows systems earlier than Windows 10: you will need to install Zadig drivers.

Setup udev rules


This set up is for GNU/Linux only. Setting up these udev rules grants permissions for using the USB device from a non-privileged account.

On GNU/Linux, try running dfu-util -l. If you get an error message like the following, you should add a udev rule as to give your user permission to the USB device.

dfu-util -l

Steps to set up udev rule

  1. Add your user to group plugdev:

    sudo groupadd plugdev
    sudo usermod -a -G plugdev $USER


    You must log out and then log in again for the addition to group plugdev to take affect.

  2. Use id $USER and/or groups to check you are in group plugdev:

    id $USER
    groups | grep plugdev
  3. Create a file named /etc/udev/rules.d/99-fomu.rules and add the following.

    SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1209", ATTRS{idProduct}=="5bf0", MODE="0664", GROUP="plugdev"


    You need sudo privileges for creating this file.

  4. Reload the udev-rules using the following:

    sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
    sudo udevadm trigger

Installing Zadig Drivers


This set up is only needed for Windows system earlier than Windows 10.

  1. Download Zadig.

  2. Open Zadig.

  3. Under Options, select List All Devices.

  4. In the dropdown, select your Fomu; in the field right of the green arrow, choose the WinUSB driver; and hit Upgrade Driver.

    Setup of Zadig for updating USB port driver on Windows earlier than 10

    Setup of Zadig for updating USB port driver on Windows earlier than 10.